Hope it’s been a productive and purposeful week. Here are some insights/opportunities to help you outlearn/outthink the crisis.
Excellent summit. Loved it completely. Took notes, prioritized action items, shared with friends and colleagues. Super pumped. | |
Steve Siglin |
Inspirational Story? Timberlane --
Rick Skidmore, CEO of Timberlane (wooden shutters) in PA. With his core business sales down 75%, he was looking at furloughing 60 employees. Now about 50% are making masks, intubation cases, soon 100% plus hiring more this weekend. Revenue is about $50,000 a day. Check out his website to see how he’s pivoted to medical supplies (along top of website).
1 Priority – Remain Ambitious
Noted Margaret Heffernan on yesterday’s virtual Summit:
She went on to explain that you can get people on the phone and do deals you wouldn’t normally be able to do during times like this – so be bold and make things happen.
2 Videos – Get Lean (maybe a week too early)?
Made the tough decisions? Ready to move forward in a leaner way? There is no better time to get lean in everything you’re doing – time to prune!! And best if everyone pitches in during these times. It’s about seeing “waste” everywhere and eliminating it – so when we come back from this mess we’re prepared – luck comes to the prepared. Here are two outstanding videos by Lean guru Paul Akers who beamed in yesterday from Japan:
- 13-minute video – see what a Lean Company looks and feels like – total flexibility
- “Lean is Simple” – Paul’s video viewed a quarter million times – the best 97-minute training on Lean
Paul’s team does 30 minutes of training a day – start with Paul’s videos and create the right mindset around eliminating waste!
3 Complimentary “Must Use” SaaS Tools --
Support People – Emplify’s free employee health survey tool – 5 minutes to launch to survey and monitor the overall “health” of your employees
Support Execution – Align’s free priorities, data, and meeting rhythm dashboard for supporting execution
Support Cash – Cash Flow Story’s free Cash Stress Test – 3 minutes to enter six numbers from your financials and then play what/if scenarios with price, volume, A/R, A/P, etc. to understand the impact of COVID-19 on cash