Dear ScaleUps,
Hope it’s been a productive and purposeful week. Here are some insights/opportunities to help you outlearn/outthink the competition.
Leading Two Webinars Next Week --
Aug 27 2pm – 3pm ET I’ll be with Emplify’s founder/CEO Santiago Jaramillo (keynoting our Summit) to discuss 5 strategies for employee engagement. Aug 28, 1pm ET, I’ll share the top 3 Barriers to Scaling Up.
VC Ben Horowitz’s New Book --
Following on his huge bestseller The Hard Thing About Hard Things (hope you read) venture capitalist Ben Horowitz of Andreessen Horowitz fame and co-founder of LoudCloud, which he took public, has a new book coming out this fall called What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture Hardcover. Reserve your copy now. And we’re thrilled that Ben is keynoting our upcoming ScaleUp Summit along with a dozen other top biz thought leaders and authors - Oct 15 - 17, Anaheim. A chance for your team to meet a thousand other leaders of scaleups and immerse yourself in the latest executive education powering the top scaleups in the world. Outlearn your competition.
This from Tim Ferriss - “Email policy I’m still using and benefiting from” --
I remain a huge fan of Tim’s “5 Bullet Friday” blog. This is from his blog last Friday and aligns with a preference I’ve expressed within our own firm:
One Topic Per Email and Subject Line Matches --
In addition, I prefer just one-topic per email with a Subject line that matches the message. This way you can easily forward/connect people that need to help address the email. And if sent an email with more than one topic/request, reply to each separately, changing the subject line to reflect the specific topic.
Significant Business Roundtable Announcement --
It’s been all over the biz news this week - 181 CEOs, members of the Business Roundtable, signed a joint statement saying that corporations should no longer value shareholder profit above all. This Fortune article details the 300-word statement by some of the world’s top CEOs. In essence, corporations should balance the needs of customers, employees, suppliers, and communities with that of shareholders. Duh!
Harvard’s Dr. John Kotter Discovered This 30 Year Ago --
Balancing the needs of employees, customers, and shareholders has been at the center of Scaling Up/Rockefeller Habits from the beginning. And this was based on the landmark research done by my friend Dr. John Kotter at Harvard. In an 11-year study of 200 blue chip firms spanning 22 industries, he found that companies which equally balanced the needs of these three stakeholders wildly outperformed (by over 700%) those firms that put “customers first” or “employees first” or “shareholders first.” This was documented in Dr. Kotter’s classic book Corporate Culture and Performance published in 1992. I had just launched the MIT “Birthing of Giants” program and I put his research at the epi-center of our teachings. It seems practical ideas take decades to enter the mainstream - happy large corporations are finally catching up!
CEO-BOOTCAMP: spend 3.5 days with Verne, serial entrepreneur John Ratliff, and 6 other CEOs in a beautiful retreat setting, addressing the constraints holding back you, your business, and your industry. Aug 20 - 23, 2019 (Sold Out); Jan 14 - 17; Jan 21 - 24; Mar 10 - 13, 2020.
EXITING: Looking to sell the business in the next 18 to 36 months? Want to avoid the traps many sellers fall into with today's buyers? You can download the white paper Seven Traps Sophisticated Buyers Deploy Against Unwary Sellers from align5 advisors here
Have you ever wondered if working with a coach might accelerate your company's growth, exponentially? Do you have what it takes to move the dial from good to great? The Scaling Up team is prepared to support you. We have helped 40,000 other organizations over the past 30+ years, in scaling up their organizations through coaching, workshops, online training and more.
We would like to offer you a complimentary, personal follow-up from our Scaling Up team to share how we can support you in scaling your organization.
For questions or more information contact us at [email protected]
Create Accountability - Drive Execution with Align, cloud-based software designed to scale up your Rockefeller Habits implementation. - on your computer, tablet or phone. Click here to watch an introductory video.
Better Book Club -- What's your team reading? Increase your books read per team member. Easy, Proven, and in the Cloud at