"...insights for scaleups"
Steve Jobs' Final Product -- in the first 15 seconds of this 2-minute promotional video I share what was Steve Jobs final "product" - the one he knew would be crucial to sustaining his company after his death (crossing the $800 billion market cap line as of yesterday). More below, but first...
2018 CEO Boot Camp Dates -- dates have been set for 2018, more below but second...
Power of Talking Out Loud to Yourself -- most of us are familiar with the power of self-talk, but studies show that talking out loud is much more powerful than just self-talk in your head. Notes this NY Times article:
And to take off some pressure, it's often better to talk in the second or third person i.e. "you can do this" or "Jane can do this" vs. "I can do this." Please take 2 minutes to scan down through the article for more examples, including performance on the basketball court (for you sporting types).
Talking to Yourself Out Loud, Part 2 -- if you would like more business application of this idea, HBR reported on the same research geared to the workplace. For me this research reinforces the power of the daily huddle (or nightly dinner with family), getting people to verbalize their activities, priorities, and most importantly, their stucks/constraints. Upping the talk time around the goals of the organization makes their achievement easier and more real. It's a lengthier article, but worth the 4 minutes of insight.
PulsePoint's BHAG (Gazelles case study) -- my latest Huffington Post article details how CEO Sloan Gaon's BHAG is scaling NYC-based PulsePoint into a Fortune 1000 public company and onto Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For list. This means driving revenue to $1 billion, from $120 million in 2016. With 143 employees, his digital media firm has been utilizing Scaling Up since 2012 and has engaged serial entrepreneurs Rich Manders and Wayne Ferrari as coaches (Gazelles certified).
PulsePoint's 3HAG -- borrowing an idea from another coaching partner Shannon Susko, Manders and Ferrari have Gaon utilizing the power of a 3HAG -- a highly achievable but very ambitious set of three-year goals. Notes Gaon:
Please take two-minutes to read the details of PulsePoint's 3HAG - a fun term for the 3 - 5 year Key Thrusts/Capabilities on the One-Page Strategic Plan. Do you have clearly delineated the three to five key priorities for the next 3 - 5 years? They do serve as basecamps on the way to your Everest (BHAG).
2018 CEO Boot Camp Dates -- Oct 2017 and Jan 2018 are sold out. But we have dates for the balance of 2018 (below). Limited to 10 CEOs, it's an opportunity to spend 3.5 days with me and serial entrepreneur John Ratliff in small group and one-on-one time. Here are the rest of the dates in 2018 (starts Tuesday 6pm and ends Friday 1:30pm):
For details www.ceo-bootcamp.com or email me at [email protected] with questions.
Steve Jobs' Final Product -- if you've watched the video, you know. And to help you create the same kind of opportunity to grow your employees, we have ScaleUp Summits (mini-universities) twice a year - the next one is Oct 17 - 18, St. Louis where we'll host multi-billionaire Sam Zell (his book is a great summer read); the hottest new biz writer on the scene, Ryan Holiday; The Master Coach Gregg Thomson; plus myself and a half-dozen other best-selling authors. You and your team's chance to out-learn the competition.
Priority Seating Deadline Tomorrow -- we're expecting 1200 CEOs and CXOs in St. Louis. To get the equivalent of "orchestra" seating -- the front-third of the room -- register by tomorrow, Friday 28 July.
EXITING: Thinking about selling the business for $40 million or more? Want to get 25% to 200% more than you thought? Request the whitepaper from the Exit Strategies Summit at Harvard from Denise Richmond at (610) 299-6466 or email at [email protected]
Have you ever wondered if working with a coach might accelerate your company's growth, exponentially? Do you have what it takes to move the dial from good to great? Click here to watch Gazelles International President Keith Cupp describes the four most important attributes of successful clients. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.
And if you're interested in becoming a world-class certified Gazelles International coach, please go to gicoaches.com/becomeacoach for more information. If you determine that we're a fit and wish to join our premier organization, we invite you to contact our Dir. of Coach Engagement at [email protected] or 877.217.2253 ext.700.
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