"...insights for scaleups"
Bob Chapman believes that every man and every woman in this country should go to work in the morning and return home in the evening feeling fulfilled by the day. There are companies that are great places to work, for sure. But what Bob envisions is much bolder. Bob's vision is not based on the charisma of a single leader, but on the collective genius of all the people inside the company. | |
Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why |
5 Trends for 2017 -- my latest Fortune Venture column highlights five of the most important trends for 2017. More below, but first...
Fourth Year in a Row -- Bill Gates ($86 billion) tops Forbes' list of the richest billionaires in the world for the fourth year in a row. More below, but second...
Everybody Matters -- subtitled The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family, Everybody Matters is the title of Bob Chapman's book. Bob is Chairman and CEO of Barry-Wehmiller, a $2-billion global capital equipment and engineering consulting company. Running a significant firm in the real world of recessions and competition, Chapman has written a highly practical and useful manual for scaling a business. GPro and book club members will receive a copy.
Lean the Right Way -- jump to Chapter 5 titled "Hardwiring Culture." Barry-Wehmiller has embraced Lean, and thus gained the efficiencies that come with this Toyota-based process improvement approach, but without all the human messes it can often create. Read how they've done this in a way all growth firms can embrace (remember, growth firms are typically terrible at process). Then come hear Bob Chapman and his co-author Raj Sisodia, also co-author of Conscious Capitalism, keynote our upcoming ScaleUp Summit in San Antonio May 23 - 24. You and your team will get the privilege of hearing from one of the most enlightened business leaders of our time.
Entrepreneur Depression -- picking up on last week's insight about depression, Steve Kantor shared a link to a site he created based on his own experience with depression and that of entrepreneurs like Brad Feld, who have been very open with their own battles with depression. If you or someone you know is experiencing depression, please check out the site.
Happier People -- this Inc. article highlights research that shows people who are happier were raised by parents that do 1 important thing. Take 2 minutes to read what that is and why. Thank you to Eastern European partner Christo Popov for sharing this insightful article.
5 Trends for 2017 -- these five trends highlighted in my latest Fortune column are mainstreaming in 2017:
1. Mimic Mother Nature
2. Embrace Artificial Intelligence
3. Join a Learning Circle
4. Mix with the Best
5. Retire the Idea of Retirement
Please take 2 minutes to scan down through the details and examples of each. Thank you to Jay Harman, Dan Hoffman, Joe Polish, and John Anderson for contributing to the column. They each are plowing new ground in their respective fields of expertise.
Fourth Year in a Row -- Bill Gates ($86 billion) tops Forbes' list of the richest billionaires in the world for the fourth year in a row. #2 is Warren Buffett and Jeff Bezos rockets into #3. Fortune does a nice job of summarizing stats around the list, noting that the United States has the most billionaires on the list with 565, beating China's 319 and Germany's 114 out of the 2,043 listed. Fortune also notes that President Donald Trump "took a dive in the ranking, slipping 220 spots to number 544 with an estimated $3.5 billion-$1 billion down from last year."
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