"...insights for scaleups"
To remain valuable in our economy you must master the art of quickly learning complicated things. |
Cal Newport, Author of Deep Work |
7 Minutes to Mastery (Scaling Up Club) -- Achieve rock star brand status with 3 practical tips from Denise Lee Yohn's "What Great Brands Do.". More below, but first...
Monday LIVE Webinar David Marquet -- Aug 29 12:00pm ET, the author of one of my favorite books on leadership and execution is hosting a webinar, more below, but second...
Great Deal on Two Kindle Books -- Thru Sunday 8/28 Mark Goulston's outstanding books on communicating/questioning/listening/connecting, "Just Listen," is available for $2.99 on Kindle and Talking to Crazy is available for $1.99 on Kindle.
Cal Newport's Deep Work -- subtitled Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, go to p28 and read "How to Become a Winner in the New Economy." Notes Cal:
In this new economy, three groups will have a particular advantage: those who can work well and creatively with intelligent machines, those who are the best at what they do, and those with access to capital. |
And he suggests it will require two core abilities:
- The ability to quickly master hard things.
- The ability to produce at an elite level, in terms of both quality and speed.
How to do this is the topic of his breakthrough book. Cal is the next brilliant thought leader of the his generation. GPro and book club members will get a copy of his book next week. Then join 1000 CEOs and execs of growth firms to hear Cal keynote our upcoming Growth Summit in Dallas, Oct 25 - 26.
How to Think (Deeply) Like Elon Musk -- this Fortune article delves into how Musk has mastered, deeply, four different fields/industries. One key is that he's a "learning transfer" superpower. And how did he achieve this, according to Fortune:
- He spent many years reading 60 times as much as an avid reader.
- He read widely across different disciplines.
- He constantly applied what he learned by deconstructing ideas into their fundamental principles and reconstructing them in new ways.
Please take 3 minutes to read the details on how all this works. The point? Deep learning, something Cal Newport is going to teach us.
Following Your Passion is Bad Advice -- Cal is also the one who has challenged conventional wisdom and makes a case that "following your passion" is bad advice. In reality, 99% of people don't have a clue - and it's not how passions are developed anyway. Instead, you start doing stuff and then if you find you're good at something, it becomes a passion. I've seen this with my son and his jazz drumming. His 99U video is insightful (pointed to it earlier this year) - and the reason I became interested in all his work and ideas - ultimately inviting him to keynote, along with Pat Lencioni, Hermann Simon, Alex Osterwalder, Amana Lindhout, etc. at our upcoming Growth Summit.
Simple Wristband Scales Profits (Gazelles case) -- my latest Huffington Post piece highlights how Purity Life dramatically scaled up profits on its more than $63 million in revenue by focusing on a simple brand promise - which they put on everyone's wrist. Please take 2 minutes to read how CEO Matthew James and his team drove up profits 31% last year in this 32-year-old business.
David Marquet Webinar -- Today's organization needs a different style of leadership -- leadership that focuses on making sure that execution happens without permission. Join David Marquet (author of Turn the Ship Around) and learn what it means to embrace 21st century leadership. This live event will take place on Monday August 29th at 12:00PM EST. Claim your spot here.
7 Minutes to Mastery - Scaling Up Club -- In What Great Brands Do, Denise unveils the code she cracked on brand-building. She shows you what great brands do and how to achieve the kind of brand leadership that everyone -- from customers to employees to investors -- wants a piece of. In this clip, you'll discover 3 of the main steps a company should follow to connect with the customers and become a great brand.
To access the clip, go here!
Have you ever wondered if your company would be a good candidate to work with an executive growth coach? Click here to watch Gazelles International President Keith Cupp describes the four most important attributes of successful clients.
And if you're interested in becoming a world-class certified Gazelles International coach, please email us at [email protected].
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Better Book Club -- What's your team reading? Increase your books read per team member. Easy, Proven, and in the Cloud at http://www.BetterBookClub.com.