"...insights for scaleups"
What job(s) does the customer need this product/service to do? | |
Clay Christensen, Harvard Business School |
7 Minutes to Mastery (Scaling Up Club) -- Learn and master the 5 habits of digital leadership with Erik Qualman's Modern Leadership, but first...
Single Most Powerful Strategy/Marketing Question -- Clay Christensen framed the question highlighted above. Rather than focus on the features/benefits/attributes of your product or service, explore what is the job(s) the customer needs done. When you understand this, you can better improve your products/services. This classic 5-minute video highlights his famous milkshake example - this will greatly help illuminate the concept.
Value Proposition Design -- Christensen's question is a key component of designing an effective value proposition. Alex Osterwalder, author of Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want, starts with the Customer Jobs question, then has you describe the customers' pains and gains. All of this feeds into a simple, yet powerful, one-page tool which guides you in designing a product or service customers truly want, as the subtitle of his book suggests. GPro and book club members will receive his book next week - go right to section 1.1 and start answering his simple questions. Then join Alex in Dallas at the Growth Summit Oct 25 - 26 where he'll walk you through the entire value proposition design process - just in time for your 2017 strategic plan.
Revenue Growing Fast Enough? -- this is your main indicator if you have an effective value proposition. If you have all the highly profitable business you can handle, then don't let anyone mess you up. But if revenues are not growing fast enough, or you're having to cut margins to make the sale, then it's crucial you work on this aspect of your business. Alex's book, along with our 7 Strata of Strategy in Scaling Up, will be very helpful.
Slow Deciders Make Better Strategists -- and this HBR article highlights how "slow deciders" make the better strategic decisions. Notes author Mark Chussil:
And it appears that women have a general advantage when making strategic decisions. Take 2 minutes to scan this insightful article.
7 Minutes to Mastery - Your Digital Stamp -- In this clip, understand one of the main shifts Erik Qualman notes of the digital era: the death of privacy, leading to the birth of our digital stamp which we need to control in order to be successful. Show this clip to your children as well. To access the clip, go here!
Align Software puts everyone on the Same Page - Literally! See, in real time every person in your organization and how they are progressing on their priorities - alongside how they Align to the Company Priorities! Scale Up your Rockefeller Habits implementation with www.alignwithgazelles.com - on your computer and on your phone.
Better Book Club -- What's your team reading? Increase your books read per team member. Easy, Proven, and in the Cloud at http://www.BetterBookClub.com.
Have you ever wondered if your company would be a good candidate to work with an executive growth coach? Click here to watch Gazelles International President Keith Cupp describes the four most important attributes of successful clients.
And if you're interested in becoming a world-class certified Gazelles International coach, please email us at [email protected].