"...insights for scaleups"
Caring -- it's hard for your team to care for your customers and your business if they don't feel, as a leader, that you care for them. Period.
Caring at Wynn -- Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts, in this 10-minute presentation at a Tony Robbins event, shares how he's redesigned the daily huddle to bring out stories of caring. Go right to the 2-minute mark where Wynn describes the question that changed his business (and life) - and it was a question of how to get employees to take ownership and feel motivated to being caring toward his guests. In the end, it was a change he made in the design of his daily huddles.
Sharing Caring in Daily Huddle -- at the 3-minute mark, Wynn shares how they included in the daily huddle a question from the supervisor "does anyone have a story from yesterday or this past week, special with a guest." These stories are then posted and celebrated making the person feel like the hero they are. Wynn goes on to share a couple stories and then go to 9:05 for Wynn's wrap-up - how they've taken storytelling to an entirely new discipline. Watch the last minute to pick up some excellent tips on how they've done this at Wynn. Thanks for Steve Hall, DriversSelect.com, for caring enough to share with me.
Lack of Caring = Brexit -- and in my latest Huffington Post piece I hold business leaders accountable for the stunning vote supporting the UK's exit from the EU. Like in the US, people are fed up with the elite - and that includes biz leaders. People are tired of helping a few realize their dreams at the expense of everyone else. So in the piece I re-share the Appletree Answers "Dream On" initiative and something similar retired CEO of Cisco, John Chambers, made his priority. Again, employees need to feel they are cared about before they will care for our companies - or they will revolt. Brexit was peaceful, this time.
CEOs Need Caring Too -- this recent Fast Company article describes research into startup and scaleup CEOs and found that more and more are joining support groups like YPO, Vistage (and EO) - and they are more likely to get a coach as the company scales. Seems CEOs need some caring and sharing as well! Specifically, quoting the article:
- While 32% of seed-stage CEOs used a coach, 60% of growth-stage CEOs did the same.
- Only 14.3% of first-timers have joined a formal (support) group, while 30.7% of serial CEOs have.
I found it interesting, but not surprising, that the serial CEOs, growing companies, sought more help. You would think it would be the opposite - but the best are always seeking the most support. Thanks to EO forum mate Dan Hoffman, founder of Circl.es, for sharing this article. FYI, his new firm hopes to put everyone in the world into a forum-like sharing and caring experience, as he shared at our recent ScaleUp Summit.
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