"...out-learning the competition"
Fortune Stories Needed by Thursday -- the column is about PR (details below), plus a birthday request, but first...
How Nurse Next Door Hires -- hiring the right person at all levels of the firm is THE key to protecting your brand and culture. How they do it detailed below (short video), but second...
Leadership Lessons -- Seahawks vs. Packers -- whether you're an American football fan or not, this past Sunday playoff game generated a couple beautiful quotes/ideas for all leaders facing impossible odds and "howling mistakes":
And the second:
Hire the Right Person Every Time (8 minute case study) -- success, in sports and business, comes down to who you choose to hire/recruit. Nurse Next Door, one of Canada's fastest growing companies, protects their brand and culture by using Topgrading's Job Scorecard (forget job descriptions) and structured interview process. For them, Topgrading their organization is not an option - it is part of their DNA and its non-negotiable. Here's a link to an 8-minute case study - have your hiring manager(s) watch -- scroll down on link to see the video.
Topgrading Online Master Certification Course -- This Growth Institute online program is built with Brad Smart, the author of Topgrading, provides the critical tools to implement this essential hiring methodology. Win the Talent War and enroll in this self-paced, online Master Certification course. The first two sessions (session #1 Jan 22) are optional. Students do not need to be present at the Live Classes (all classes are recorded). However, starting Session #3 (February 28th) leaders are recommended to attend this online class LIVE so you can participate in the discussion.
For more information on the class and to view various Case Studies click here. Or you can contact Juan Gonzalez at [email protected] or call him at: (512) 773 5465. Enrollment closes February 22nd, so sign-up now!
Fortune Column Stories Needed -- I'm looking at how to get the most out of your public relations efforts. I'd like to hear from entrepreneurs about whether hiring an outside agency or handling it in-house makes sense, whether big agencies deliver better results than small ones, and how to find an agency that is successful in getting the media placements you want. How have you gotten your best PR? What mistakes should growth companies avoid in finding PR help? Please send to [email protected] - thanks a million.
Birthday request? -- if you find the insights valuable and you're in a generous mood, we're seeking 56 more reviews on Amazon (I turn 56 tomorrow) bringing us to over 100 total? One sentence is fine. It's now about quantity vs. length.
Need help implementing the Rockefeller Habits?