"...out-learning the competition"
When asked how to get smarter, Buffett once held up stacks of paper and said
"read 500 pages like this every day. That's how knowledge builds up, like
compound interest."
One-Page PERSONAL Plan
-- July is a good time to think about your personal plans - and to help,
Gazelles has a One-Page Personal Plan, more info below, but first...
Free FORTUNE Magazine Breakfast Events -- St. Louis July 16; Minneapolis July 18 - 8am - 9:30am
meet FORTUNE Trailblazer Dr. Mary Jo Gorman and FORTUNE Senior Editor Ryan
Bradley, more info below, but second...
Interview Question
-- Sam Goodner, CEO of Austin-based Catapult
Systems (Microsoft's Worldwide Partner of the Year), is often asked to
participate in the interview process even when the position doesn't report to
him. In every case, "I always conclude the interview by asking the candidate to
share the most recent nonfiction book they've read in their field -- and then
something they learned from it," notes Goodner in his
July 8 column in the
Business Journal. "I'll even broaden the question to the most recent article,
blog post, or column they've read."
-- take
4 minutes to read what Goodner hears most of the time, yet which position in
his firm almost always has a great response!! His column highlights how most
professions require continuous education, except businesspeople. Continues
Goodner, "And the higher up in an organization, the more excuses I hear: too
busy, can't find the time, client emergencies, email overload, hair on fire, dog
ate my proposal. So as the leader of your company or department, it's your job
to not only lead by example but to create a culture of continued professional
learning." Goodner outlines how Catapult has tackled this challenge. Again, take
4 minutes to scan his column (and it might inspire other CEOs to write columns
for their local biz journals).
"Leadership Summit" Speakers Now Online -- as Goodner
mentioned in his column, he uses Gazelles' online presentations to enhance the
professional development of his team. The keynote presentations by Jack Stack (Great
Game of Business),
David Marquet (Turn
the Ship Around!),
and Dave Kerpen (Likeable
are now produced and available online for those that missed the Leadership
Summit or attended and would like to review with their team. Each incorporates
their slides and includes their one-page summary handouts -- excellent
professional development between now and the
Growth Summit, Oct 22 - 23, in Vegas. For detailed info on each presentation
go to:
Jack Stack
David Marquet Dave Kerpen |
One-Page Personal Plan -- here's
a link to my July "Growth Guy" column that outlines the One-Page personal
plan called "ME: Living Legacy." It guides you through four main decisions:
Relationships, Achievements, Rituals, and Wealth which mirror the four business
decisions People, Strategy, Execution and Cash. It's important for leaders to
outline their personal plans to provide context to the business plan. And
here's a link to the One-Page tool.
Fortune Breakfast Events
-- FORTUNE is recognizing the Trailblazers that are paving the way to business
success. Join FORTUNE senior editor Ryan Bradley for a live, expert conversation
on innovation featuring Dr. Mary Jo Gorman, CEO and Founder of Advanced ICU
Care. Gorman was recognized as a 2013 FORTUNE Trailblazer for her innovative use
of technology.
St. Louis July 16,
Marriott West, 8am - 9:30am --
Minneapolis July 18, Minneapolis Club, 8am - 9:30am -- RSVP: |