"...out-learning the competition"
The toughest decisions in organizations are people decisions - hiring, firing, promotion, etc. These are the decisions that receive the least attention and are the hardest to unmake. |
Peter Drucker |
June 22, 2pm ET -- complimentary Topgrading webcast - overview of new 12 step process.
Biggest Chokepoint -- Mis-hires are the single biggest chokepoint in most businesses. And the number one methodology for hiring talent is Topgrading. For 40 years this method has helped countless firms like GE, Allied Signal, and thousands of growth firms avoid mis-hires who suck up time, effort, energy, AND MONEY!
New 12 Step Process -- The Topgrading hiring process has been updated, resulting in 12 practical and easy to implement steps. And research confirms a greater than 90% success rate if you follow these steps. To provide an overview we invite you to a 35 minute no cost webcast Friday, June 22nd, 2pm ET.
Jim Collins -- as he stressed at the recent Fortune Leadership Summit, "The single most important thing you need to do is pick the right people and keep them. There is NOTHING more important than this." And therefore the most important skill every manager and executive must master is hiring the right people. Take 35 minutes to see if Topgrading might be the right methodology for your firm.
Post Salaries? -- Cameron Herold, former #2 at 1-800-GOT-JUNK, inquired a couple days ago what the Topgrading rules are for posting salaries. Notes Brad Smart, the creator of Topgrading "For executive jobs, no posting of comp. For most other jobs, yes. I'm running an ad for a part time job and put in $40 - $50 per hour, 30+ hours per week."
Master the Most Important Executive Skill -- join us for the Friday, June 22, 2pm ET webcast.