"...out-learning the competition"
HEADLINES: (quickie)
You Are What You Publish -- David Meerman Scott has pounded this idea into our marketing heads - and he's right. And videos, since YouTube is owned by Google, are a more powerful way (7x) to move up the search engine rankings. We all need more videos - but ones that work!
Video Marketing for Dummies -- Kevin Daum and his co-authors released their new book today on Amazon entitled Video Marketing for Dummies. Also author of bestselling marketing book ROAR: Get Heard in the Sales and Marketing Jungle, Kevin and his team have simplified and codified the process for creating marketing videos that work. Take 100 seconds and watch their promotional video for the book (scroll down the Amazon page) - and see what you DON'T have to do!
Bettina Hein, Pixability -- Bettina, one of the other co-authors, has been producing corporate videos for years via her firm, Pixability. She understands how to create videos fast and inexpensively.
Give to a Young Person -- IDEA: give a copy of the book to one of the teenagers of an employee who has an interest in video - and have them take the lead in producing some videos for you - just get started. Young people take to this naturally - and with some guidance, they'll amaze you with their output - plus they understand all the editing and uploading techniques.
Kevin Daum Keynoting Fortune Leadership Summit -- and for those attending the Summit next week, you'll learn from Kevin directly. And Bettina will be there with her own crew filming the Summit - and showing how her team is able to turnaround a video of an event in 24 hours. She'll shoot footage Tuesday and we'll show her finished product Wednesday.