"...out-learning the competition"
The key to Starbucks turnaround was our "transformational agenda" which critically was kept to one page and was a living document. |
Howard Schultz talking with Henry McGovern, CEO Amrest |
Attention YPOers -- late notice, but one additional team spot has opened up for YPO International's offering of "Making the Rockefeller Habits Rock" 2.5 day intensive workshop with Verne Harnish - October 27 - 29, Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort, Chandler, AZ. Email the Day Chair Steve Sansom if interested.
Need Help Developing a Winning 2012 Annual Plan? Join Patrick Thean, CEO of Gazelles Systems and author of Execute without Drama, as he takes you through the 4 Secrets to Develop a Winning Annual Plan for 2012. The complimentary webcast is on Friday, October 14th at 1:00 EST. This is a special webcast invitation for companies with at least $10 million in annual revenue. REGISTER NOW.
Learn How to:
- Focus Your Team on the Right Key Initiatives for 2012
- Build a Solid Execution Plan
- Make Sure that You Have an "A+" Execution Team
- Attack Weaknesses in Your Plan with our Annual Plan Checklist Tool
Fans of Darren Hardy -- Author of my favorite "habit-changing" book, The Compound Effect, Darren, publisher of Success Magazine, impressed our Fortune Leadership Summit audience with his no-nonsense approach to making small behavior/habit changes that really stick. For some reason, when you read his book, unlike dozens of others I've read, it actually makes you develop new and better habits. He wants to give away 1000 books to young people and needs your help.
1000 Youth Helped -- In this short video Darren shares how Kevin Small (well-known advisor to biz authors) went chapter by chapter through Darren's book with his son Grant - and the positive impact it had on both of their lives. Darren wants other youth to experience the same, so, like Tom's shoes, between now and Oct 14, for every book you order (new hardbound version just released), he'll give a book to a child through the Success Foundation (Gazelles200 member Stuart Johnson runs that foundation). Order books in packages of five and distribute to your closest associates - here's the link - thanks.
Starbuck's One-Page Plan -- Gazelles200 member, Henry McGovern, recently spent some private time with Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks. Henry runs a $1 billion chain of restaurants throughout Eastern Europe, Spain, and now India. He emailed to share the quote above as the two of them noted the importance of a one-page plan. Here's a link to our updated Word-editable One-Page Strategic Plan and "vook" (video book) - just expand the "strategy" section.
Brenneman's One-Page Plans -- and for access to the actual one-page plans turnaround specialist Greg Brenneman created for Burger King and Quiznos, sign-on (for a $99 fee) to watch his insightful presentation from the Fortune Leadership Summit - it's a one-hour program structured in short segments - you can watch a few minutes at a time (or listen to it while doing email) - and then download the actual plans that come with the online presentation. Or show his presentation at your next monthly management meeting - we're all in a perpetual turnaround environment right now and Greg is the master with over 50 companies under his guidance.
October Rockefeller Habits Workshops: