you great"
Buffett's Heir Apparent -- Sokol is most mentioned as Warren Buffett's likely heir apparent. As Buffett mentions in his foreword to Sokol's book "He brings the business equivalent of Ted Williams' .406 batting average to the field of business management." And he knows how to do deals, recently netting $1.2 billion for Buffett over just a few weeks. Concludes Buffett, "He (Sokol) gets more done in a day, than probably I get done in a week, and I'm not kidding." Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting Sokol and hearing from him directly. Please join me at the Fortune Growth Summit
Bill Gates Favorite Teacher -- while we're discussing the lives of billionaires, take five minutes and read this latest Fortune article on Khan Academy and why Bill Gates is such a huge fan. I feel so out of the loop that I wasn't aware of this brilliant educational resource for students -- a global free educational site that hosts 1600 mini-tutorials (15 minutes or less) on math, science, and other subjects. Gates is using the site with his 11 year old. This is how education should work and it's inspired me to further break down our information into bite-sized tutorials. And the story of Sal Khan's background, the founder of Khan Academy, is worth the read. BTW, it's the #1 visited educational site, now, in the world.
School Pride -- Logical Choice Technologies -- continuing with the education theme, Logical Choice, one of the Gazelles 200 founding members, has been chosen as the "Technology Classroom Consultants" for the new NBC fall series entitled School Pride (think Extreme Makeover for a broken-down school). The 2 hour premier is 24 Sept at 8pm (I'll remind you as we get closer). Notes Cynthia Kaye, founder and CEO of the nation's top firm bringing new technologies to the classroom, "...check out the series trailer... you will want to cry. We are so honored to be a part of this program. I have to pinch myself to remind me it is real." And I've asked Cynthia to show us a few behind-the-scenes clips at the Growth Summit in Orlando.
"Waiting for Superman" -- and last, Tom Friedman, NY Times columnist, weighed in on education this week, encouraging readers to go see the documentary "Waiting for Superman" when it's released Sept 23. The movie follows five kids and their parents who aspire to obtain a decent public education but have to enter a bingo-like lottery to get into a good charter school, because their home schools are miserable failures. The good news, according to Friedman, is that parents are starting to really exert themselves to change education from the bottom-up. We need an educated workforce as both employees and consumers, which is why entrepreneurs care about education.
Sept 23, NYC -- and Sept 23 is also when we host our next "Four Decisions: SuperGreen Execution" workshop -- taught by our president (and co-creator of content) Patrick Thean. For those of you new to Rockefeller Habits or wanting to fine-tune your implementation, this workshop will get your implementation jump started.