"...keeping you great" Ten Minutes with the Growth Guy
HEADLINES: Print-Friendly Version
NOTE: March 21 Deadline - Hotel Reservations for Sales and Marketing Summit -- our $159/night room rate expires March 21 -- if you plan to attend the April 22 -- 23 Sales and Marketing Summit in Orlando, please make your hotel reservations -- here's a link to info. We try and get the hotel to extend the rate for late registrations, but it's never guaranteed. And you can cancel later, so reserve a room if you think you might attend.
Ten Ideas That Are Changing the World -- this is the cover story of the March 24 issue of Time Magazine. Idea #7 is "Authenticity" and features Jim Gilmore and Joe Pine, authors of Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want as well as their best-seller The Experience Economy. BTW, Jim is one of the main keynote speakers at our upcoming Sales and Marketing Summit. Here's a link to their piece in the extensive article.
Jim and Joe are referenced throughout the article, written by Time staff writer John Cloud who interviewed them extensively for the piece. We're honored that this venerable magazine is devoting so much coverage to why the desire for authenticity is now driving consumer behavior and business change and we're excited to be hosting them at our event. We encourage you to read what Time is saying about the growing role of authenticity and when you're ready to continue the conversation about authenticity, be sure to go to www.AuthenticityBook.com where you can explore, learn, and share your own ideas on getting real in an increasingly unreal world.
FORTUNE Small Business Focus Group -- see invite to participate in a focus group session at the Sales and Marketing Summit
-- under DETAILS below. $100 Amex gift certificate for each participant
-- plus experience how the focus group process works, something you can
use in your own sales and marketing activities.
No Thursday insight -- I'm on spring break with my family -- I'm taking a break from writing which is why this one is short as well.
We are recruiting a select group of small business owners who read
FORTUNE Small Business to join us in Orlando during the FSB and
Gazelles Sales and Marketing Summit to share their valuable insights
and opinions on how technology helps grow business.
This invitation-only focus group will be conveniently held in the same
hotel as the Growth Summit -- the Marriott Orlando Airport, Orlando,
FL-- and will not conflict with any of the conference program. The
focus group will last approximately 90 minutes. We recognize that your
time is valuable, so if you are selected, you will receive $100 in
American Express Gift Cheques for your participation.
If you are a small business owner and a FORTUNE Small Business reader
and you would like to participate, please visit the link below and
enter your contact information: