"...keeping you great" Ten Minutes with the Growth Guy
HEADLINES: URGENT -- February 1 (tomorrow!) deadline for nominations -- Top Small Workplaces in the U.S.
-- co-sponsored by The Wall Street Journal, if you're under $200
million in revenue and think you have a great place to work, nominate
your firm by tomorrow -- it's a very short form -- then you'll receive
a more extensive application which will be due later -- here's the link:
-- winning awards like this can really boost your ability to attract
top talent -- they are worth the time to apply. FYI, this is the old
"Best Bosses" contest which FORTUNE Small Business is no longer doing. SUCCESS magazine - What Achievers Read
-- One of my closest friends and a founding board member of YEO, Stuart
Johnson, purchased SUCCESS July of last year and is re-launching the
publication with a promise to return it back to its legendary roots as
the preeminent personal and professional achievement magazine.
Expecting 100,000 newsstand distribution when the premier issue is
released in March, Stuart has already reached over 700,000 in paid
distribution making it one of the biggest first issue magazine launches
of all-time. Stuart has offered my insight readers an exclusive reduced
rate of $24.99 for 12 issues -- this is real savings over his best
discounted rate. It's definitely a magazine I want sitting around for
my children to peruse! Subscribe right now. Speaking of success, Bob Parsons, Founder of GoDaddy, has "16 Rules for Success in Business & Life" -- now this is a list worth posting near your desk!! Here's a link
to the list -- be sure to scroll down on the landing page to see all 16
Rules (under the poster he's selling). Thanks to Tom McFadyen, founder
of McFadyen Solutions for pointing me to this insightful list #16 is my favorite: To quote Parsons "There's always a reason to smile.
Find it. After all, you're really lucky just to be alive. Life is
short. More and more, I agree with my little brother. He always reminds
me: ‘We're not here for a long time, we're here for a good time!'" I've
been getting too serious lately -- I need to loosen up!! Bob, thanks
for the reminder. Rate your e-commerce site -- BTW, Tom McFadyen wrote an excellent and detailed (with examples) article on how to rate your e-commerce site
-- I've already passed it on to my webmaster and we're going to review
it at our next weekly marketing meeting -- you have a weekly marketing
meeting, don't you? Save 4 hours -- read Inc article on Breakthrough Companies -- Stephen Adele, founder of Golden, Colorado-based Isatori,
a leader in "lifestyle" supplements, sent me the following note: "I,
too, was excited to read it (Breakthrough Companies), but found it
difficult to take McFarland's book seriously...I actually thought the
article/interview on this book, found in the most recent Inc. magazine was sufficiently better than the book itself (and could save you 15 bucks and about 4 hours). Quote of the week -- Maria Sharapova, while waiting
to receive the Daphne Akhurst Trophy for winning the Australian Open,
shared with the crowd that she had received a text message from tennis
great Billie Jean King telling her "Champions take chances and pressure
is a privilege."