"...keeping you great" Ten Minutes with the Growth Guy
Raise Prices!! Take a few minutes to scan this latest FORTUNE Small Business article entitled "Raising Prices, Keeping Customers" by Justin Martin (many of you have helped Justin over the past year with his various articles). Pricing is one of the most important decisions you'll make in business and raising prices is the quickest way to profitability AND forcing you to improve your value proposition.
An upside from the wars -- leadership talent! Combat produces young leaders that are resourceful, quick thinking, and calm under pressure. Many of them will be entering the workforce over the next few years. When you've had bullets whizzing by your head, facing an irate customer is a piece of cake!!
Hire-a-Hero -- Dan Caulfield, CEO of HQ Group, and a long-time client of Gazelles, has launched Hire A Hero. Dan has been in the business of helping firms hire military personnel for years. Recently featured on CBS, his interview is running on American Airlines this month. Here are links to the stories CBS News Interview: CBS Evening News Story:
Orion International -- is another Gazelles client which has been in the business for years helping firms hire military personnel -- in fact, you'll find their case study in the Appendix of "Mastering the Rockefeller Habits." There is always a shortage of management talent and the men and women returning from the Middle East will be an excellent source for many of our companies.
Anita Roddick in Top 3 -- in an interview yesterday I was asked to comment on Anita Roddick, the pioneering founding of The Body Shop, who passed away earlier this week. It's my feeling that Anita Roddick is among the top three most innovative entrepreneurs of our time -- Steve Jobs and Richard Branson being the other two.
Four "seats" left for Miami, FL Rockefeller Habits 2 workshop -- four teams signed up after my announcement Tuesday, there's room for just four more. If you want to take your implementation of the Rockefeller Habits to the next level, join me in South Beach, Fl January 17 -- 18, 2008.