"...keeping you great" Ten Minute with the Growth Guy
How Top Companies Breed Stars -- I'm a huge fan of whatever Geoffrey Colvin, FORTUNE Senior Editor, writes. Take five minutes and scan his latest article
that came out yesterday -- it accompanies this week's release of
FORTUNE's list of the Top Companies for Leaders. No surprise, GE came
out on top!
"Your competition can copy every advantage you've got -- except one," notes the subhead of the article. "That's why the world's best companies are realizing that no matter what business they're in, their real business is building leaders." For growth firms, it's good to look at the list to see where you might poach some talent!! Here's a link to the list and the article specifically on how GE develops leaders.
Job Flexibility, Development, and Community Involvement -- these are the top three reasons new employees give for staying with Capital One Financial. In my personal experience, these three ring true for employees in growth companies as well. Job flexibility is almost a given in growth firms since employees often have to wear multiple hats and deal with daily changes. And I know that community involvement inspires my team. From sponsoring one of our employee's daughter's soccer team to the ongoing support we give to the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship to the young man Joanne Costello and her family is helping (they found a dentist to donate his services this week), the community piece is powerful. It's the development piece that is most difficult, given time constraints.
Seven Traits of Entrepreneurial Employees -- Jeffrey Dennis, serial entrepreneur and president of Toronto-based Cale Financial Corporation, sent me yesterday his latest monthly column published in Profit Magazine entitled "The Blue-Chip Blues." Jeffrey notes that leaders from big companies might not work out and lists seven traits he looks for in employees for entrepreneurial firms. Here's a link to download this quick-read column.
Twenty Billionaires Interviewed -- instead of developing talent, growth companies often have to hire talent. Geoff Smart (Topgrading fame) and his team just completed a 2-year study on hiring, which is the most thorough and most expensive research ever done on the topic. He interviewed over 20 billionaires and 30 CEOs of large and small companies to listen to their best advice and stories on the topic of hiring. His insights will be released in his forthcoming book StreetSmart Hiring: A Solution to Every Manager's #1 Problem (Random House, 2008). Geoff is also going to share his insights during his annual Topgrading: Interviewing and Hiring A Players workshop Nov 6 in Denver.